There is a long tradition of handmade production of blown glass beads and Christmas bead ornaments in Poniklá. This is the last place in the world where the glass bead blowing craft has been preserved and is still passed down through families from generation to generation. The first glass bead blowing company was founded in Poniklá in 1902.
Family firm
We are a small family firm that strives to preserve and above all to develop the time-honoured craft of glass bead blowing. Our manufacturing operation utilizes a work organization method that is unique in today’s world. The excellent craftsmanship of our products, which is based on handwork, is crucial to us. We try to pass on our knowledge, whether through exhibitions, workshops or collaboration with schools. We are honoured that our work, and the work of all the glass bead blowers of Poniklá, was recognized in 2020 as a globally unique skill through its inscription on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Jan Hajna was the first glass bead blower to come to Poniklá from Jablonec nad Nisou. At first, he blew glass beads made of black glass, which were used to make jewellery. When his neighbours in Poniklá saw how profitable his new craft was, they quickly replaced the looms in their mountain cottages with blowing tables and learned the glass bead making craft from him.
Stanislav Horna and his family settled in Poniklá and founded the first glass bead manufacturing company in the village. Glass bead Christmas ornaments were gradually added to the company’s product portfolio and quickly became popular after World War I. In 1930, Stanislav handed over the company to his son, Otto, who added metal jewellery
production to the company’s portfolio. During this period, blown glass beads and Christmas ornaments were exported to countries around the world. Jablonec nad Nisou and its export companies were the heart of the jewellery trade. -
After the communist coup in Czechoslovakia, Horna´s company was nationalized and the smaller workshops in Poniklá were incorporated into a newly established national company called Glass Jewellery, whose name was later changed to Železny Brod Glass. The production of glass bead ornaments in Poniklá continued and Otto Horna worked in his former company as the director while his wife was employed as a worker.
Glass bead production continued without interruption in Poniklá. It was incorporated into the Glass Jewellery/Železny Brod Glass company as plant no. 3. In 1960, the Poniklá plant had 250 employees, including more than 200 home-based workers. There were also glass bead blowers working in Janův Důl, Lučany nad Nisou and Dolní Maxov. Two other independent glass bead ornament manufacturers operated in Poniklá at that time – Jindřich Holubec and Václav Šír.
In 1989, glass bead ornament production in Poniklá was part of plant no. 3 of the Železny Brod Glass company. Other plant no. 3 facilities produced rhinestone jewellery, glass eyes, lighting fixtures and devotionals. The plant also included a metal fabrication facility and a recreation centre. In 1990, plant no. 3 was transformed into a state enterprise called Astir. Bohuslav Kulhavý became the director. He later became the owner of the Rautis company.
The 1990s marked a golden “American” era of glass bead ornaments that came to an end after 2001 due to the US financial crisis. There was a sudden and dramatic drop in orders and Rautis was considered financially dead. The entry of Mark Kulhavý into the company management, and the courage to make radical decisions with a single objective – to preserve production in Poniklá, where it had begun over 100 years ago – were important milestones.
Glass bead ornaments are making a huge comeback on Czech Christmas trees. Since 2004, more than 156,000 people have taken a tour of our manufacturing facility. We have become one of the regular tourist attractions in the area and we work with schools, museums and galleries. We strive to keep our ornaments up to date and we collaborate with well-known designers to create new collections. In 2020, our craft was inscribed in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which we view as a tribute to all glass bead blowers and a great commitment as we look to the future.
Glass bead handmade production on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage
In 2020, glass bead handmade production was inscribed in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The key reasons for the inscription were the unique character of the glass bead manufacturing technology and, in particular, the preservation of the original internal subcontracting organization of work, which features a central workshop and home-based workers. The fact that the craft continues to evolve and is relevant in today’s world were also important factors.
You can view all the steps in the handmade production process, including blowing, silver coating, dyeing, painting and cutting glass beads, on tours of our workshops in Poniklá. These steps are then followed by the threading of beads into Christmas ornaments, which you can try out for yourself in our creative workshop.
Changes to glass bead ornaments over time
Glass bead ornaments today
Ornaments at fairs and Christmas markets
You can visit us at various Christmas markets and fairs every year in the weeks leading up to Christmas. We always have a stand at markets and fairs in e.g. Prague, Brno, České Budějovice, Olomouc, Tábor, Kuks, Jilemnice, Hradec Králové and Sychrov. For these events we are supported by the Liberec Region through its regional producer programme.

Crystal Valley: the world of glassmakers
Poniklá is the eastern gateway to an exceptional glassmaking region: the Crystal Valley, which stretches all the way to the town of Nový Bor. There is no other place in the world where you can find so many glassmaking technologies in such a small area. You can see glassworks, glass cutting workshops, jewellery production, cast glass sculptures and Christmas ornament handmade production. There is also a prominent glassmaking museum in the Crystal Valley. For details please visit

Glass bead blowing as cultural heritage
The unique character of the glass bead blowing craft has been recognized through its inscription in the prestigious UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 2015 – The tradition of glass bead Christmas ornament handmade production was registered in the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture of the Liberec Region 2015 – The tradition of glass bead Christmas ornament handmade production was registered in the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic 2020 – "Handmade production of Christmas tree decorations from blown glass beads" was inscribed in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Tourism in the Krkonoše Mountains
Tours to see glass bead ornament manufacturing have become a fundamental tourist attraction in the Krkonoše Mountains. We are happy to have longstanding collaborative ties with the municipality of Poniklá and with the Krkonoše Union of Towns and Boroughs. If you would like to combine a tour to our facility with another tourist attraction, please see